Reoccurring themes for Shakespeare seem to be love, love lost and unattainable love. Knowing writers often draw from their personal lives, I was drawn to find out more about Shakespeare's love life. After looking over many sources, I found there to be discrepancies in his love life, almost as if Shakespeare had written it himself. It has been said that he was married to Anne Hathaway. Anne was 26 at the time Shakespeare only 18. The age of consent at the time was 21. This is the first place where my mind begins to wonder. Could it be that they were forbidden to marry, or they did not have the blessing from each side? Who knows, but if he is drawing from his personal life in his works, this may have been an issue he had to deal with. The next area to spark my interest is Shakespeare had two marriage licenses set for two different days, each with different names. Shakespeare's name spelled differently and Anne was presented with two different last names, Whateley and Hathwey. Why would he have two different certificates made up with different names? Could it have been two different men with the name Shakespeare? Or better yet, two different women. From what I found, no one really knows the truth but the possibilities of foul play or resistance from the family keep my interest in this area. At the time of the marriage, Anne was three month pregnant. Another possible taboo. From all that I found, it seems to me that Shakespeare drew from his personal life when writing his plays. Did he have a love triangle as seen in some of his plays? I have not yet been able to find a concrete answer. But I will not stop looking. I used multiple sources from the internet, ohh the wretched internet. I am interested in finding books on the matter which will be my mission for the weekend.
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